Since January 2015, Papayago Rescue House (PRH) has supported the maintenance and well being of the community’s local parrot population. Through rescue, rehabilitation, retraining, and re-homing, the nonprofit continues to provide knowledge and awareness of these exotic birds for public ownership. This is made possible by the skilled mentoring and training of interested owners to ensure a suitable living situation for each and every bird they encounter.


Caitlin Elmes with CoCo Chanel

Despite its seven-year existence, the rescue house has been in the making for the past 50 years. With support from their Board of Directors, volunteers, and adopters, CEO Maria Sullivan and Executive Director Brianna Stoddard co-founded the nonprofit rescue venture together to improve overall parrot care. Their mission is to provide relevant knowledge and information about the species to eliminate parrot homelessness, abuse, or neglect.

“Parrots are surrendered to us due to normal cycles of life; passing, cancer, divorce, kids growing up, losing a job and/or home,” Stoddard said. “Volunteers can look forward to enriching the lives of parrots, learning more about parrot care, and making a real difference. Being a small organization, every hour put in makes a huge difference to the parrots.”

PRH is a home for over 140 homeless parrots ranging from parakeets to Macaws while also being only one of two parrot rescues in Georgia and less than 70 in the United States. With parrots making up the third-largest pet community in America, the organization works hard to help troubled birds stay with their families. Parakeets are made available for adoption to families who do not own cats, ferrets, or bird dogs.

When it comes to aiding owners in maintaining their birds’ health and well being, Papayago provides bathing, nail clipping, wing/beak trimming, and cage cleaning services for all parrot parents both in-home and on-location. In terms of housing, they’ll also board and foster birds for owners who are going out of town or experiencing personal hardship. Allergy testing is also included for those interested in possibly raising a bird of their own. However, none of this would be possible if it wasn’t for their experienced staff of volunteers.

PAPAYAGO RESCUE HOUSE PROVIDES CARE AND AWARENESS FOR LOCAL PARROTS 2“I’m at the rescue several times a week to wash dishes, clean parrot cages, sweep, etc.,” said Tullan Avard, a volunteer for over two years. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet other like-minded people and learn about the different types of parrots and how to properly take care of them.”

Papayago Rescue House is located on Canton Road in Marietta. For more information about adopting and donating or to volunteer, visit or call 678-346-5217.

This article originally appeared in March/April issue on page 21 . You can access it HEREArticle written by By Adam Darby.