The Cobb County Police Department has recently noticed an increase in burglaries targeting Asian and Indian households. The investigations have revealed many of the victims’ neighbors have seen something/someone suspicious in the area just prior to or during the burglaries. Information has been passed through word of mouth or via neighborhood Facebook pages. Please contact police IMMEDIATELY if you see anything suspicious in your neighborhood. This includes door-to-door solicitors or any other persons and/or vehicles that seem out of place in your neighborhood. Per Cobb County ordinance, all door-to-door salespersons must have a visible solicitors permit.
During this time of year, many families are traveling. Make plans to stop mail/newspaper service or have a trusted neighbor pick up these items so they do not stack up in your mailbox or driveway. Also, if you have an alarm system, be sure to turn it on.
This burglary trend is a priority for CIU-4 detectives and uniform patrol. They are actively following leads, but need your help. Call 911 immediately upon observing anything suspicious. You may call anonymously if you choose.
If you have any information regarding this trend, please contact CIU-4 at 770-499-3962.