Cobb Christmas, staffed 100% by volunteers, provides three toys to each child in need. Gifts are provided to the children ages infant through fifteen. A box of food is provided when available. With the help of hundreds of volunteers, Cobb Christmas is able to spread and keep alive the true spirit of Christmas—not to just their clients, but also to their donors and volunteers.
For one week each December you can actually see, hear, and touch Cobb Christmas during the Annual Distribution. From December 12-14, donations and purchases of over 16,000 toys are delivered to Cobb County’s Jim Miller Park and over 400 volunteers sort and distribute these toys to approximately 1,000+ families.
Cobb Christmas partners with Cobb County Department of Transportation and Cobb Community Transit (CCT) to create the county’s most unique and memorable holiday program, Stuff-A-Bus. Think of Stuff-A-Bus as the opposite of Santa’s sleigh, Santa uses his sleigh to deliver gifts and Cobb Christmas makes a CCT bus our sleigh for collecting gifts.

Stuff-a-Bus advertising on CCT
The week prior to Cobb Christmas’ Annual Distribution, a CCT bus travels through the county to Stuff-A-Bus host sites gathering donations of food and toys. Host sites can be businesses, schools and other entities that have organized toy and food drives.
This program would not be successful without the help of local businesses, schools, and other organizations that serve as host sites for Stuff-A-Bus. Volunteers at these locations organize food and toy drives and begin promoting and collecting in November. A Cobb Christmas representative schedules a date and time for the bus to make a stop at their location to collect the items which have been donated. All donations are stored and transported to Jim Miller Park—the Cobb Christmas Distribution Site-during distribution week.
Individuals are encouraged to drop off donations at any of the “Stuff-A-Bus” scheduled stops. To find a stop near you, look at the Stuff-A-Bus schedule on their website E-mail if you would like more information on becoming a Stuff-A-Bus host site.