• 2nd largest district in Georgia and 23rd largest school district in the United States

• Cobb County School District (CCSD) has earned and maintained a AAA credit rating and is one of the only public school districts in the United States to do so.

• Cobb continues to be one of the largest debt free public school systems in the country.

• Cobb Schools is the largest employer in Cobb County with more than 13,000 employees.

• Without raising the millage tax rate, the Board voted to give all non-temporary employees a 2.6 percent raise.

• Cobb leads with unparalleled student safety supports including one of the largest school police forces and the only crisis-management platforms in the state.

• 2 new replacement schools: East Cobb Middle School and Brumby Elementary School New Construction: thanks to the Cobb County School District Ed-SPLOST (Education – Special Option Local Sales Tax).

• Cobb welcomed 700 new teachers to the district at the New Teacher Academy in July.

• CCSD’s fleet includes 1,200 buses. About 1,000 buses run daily.

• There are about 1,000 bus routes.

• The top two school bus drivers in Georgia drive for CCSD.

• The top bus technician in Georgia and the nation keeps Cobb buses running.

• About 70 percent of Cobb students ride the bus.

• Cobb buses travel about 13 million miles over the course of a school year.

• Cobb employs 66 police officers dedicated to the safety of each student and school in the District. High School: 26 officers; Middle/Elementary Schools: 25 officers; Rover/K9: 1 officer; The average years of experience per officer is more than 25 years.

• Since the start of last year, AlertPoint, the District’s new crisis management system, has been installed in 11 high schools, one middle school, and three elementary schools. AlertPoint gives each employee the ability to activate an emergency alert anywhere on a school campus.

This article originally appeared in the August issue of the EAST COBBER magazine, on page 17. Click here to view the digital edition.