I hope, like me, you are excited that Spring really is here and we are able to enjoy warmer temperatures, longer stretches of sunshine, and are actually getting out to enjoy it all! During this past year, Senior Services held contactless food drive-ups for older adults, with our last one on April 16. In 13 months we gave out:
• 6,383 pantry boxes
• 5,284 fresh meals
• 3,346 produce boxes
• 1,200 gift cards for Thanksgiving & Christmas
• 2,300 masks
A HUGE “thank you” to fellow County employees from Safety Village, Libraries, Police, Sheriff, Water, HR, Communications, District Attorney, Tax Commissioner, Support Services, Fleet, Extension, and Fire for helping at these events!
On Monday, April 19, Senior Services launched Phase 2 of our reopening, which means the facilities are now open Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. Registration in advance is still required and space is limited for all programs.
Registration for Spring classes began Monday, May 3 at 9am and is only available online or by phone; no in-person registration is available.
We’ve added items to Ongoing Activities at the senior centers. They may also be found on each center’s page at www.CobbSeniors.org.
Thank you for all that each of you have been doing this past year to maintain programs and services in your respective fields. I know you join me in the anticipation of seeing each other again very soon. Until then, please do not hesitate letting us know how Senior Services may assist you.
This article was written by Kathy Lathem, Strategic Partnerships Manager, Cobb Senior Services
This article originally appeared in the EAST COBBER May/June issue. You can access the digital edition HERE.