Cobb County Superior Court Clerk Rebecca Keaton to Deliver Best-in-Class Services for Attorneys and Self-Represented Litigants
Effective October 1, 2018, attorneys will be required to use the PeachCourt eFiling platform to submit civil documents to the Cobb County Superior Court Clerk’s office. In May, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed SB407 into law. The legislation set a deadline for Georgia’s 159 Superior Courts and 70 State Courts to transition to mandatory electronic filing in civil cases no later than January 1, 2019. Continuing a strong tradition of statewide leadership, Cobb County Superior Court Clerk, Rebecca Keaton, chose to begin mandatory eFiling on October 1, 2018, due to the significant benefits of 100% electronic filing and to ensure full compliance with the law in plenty of time before the deadline.
Attorneys have been able to file documents electronically in the Cobb Judicial Circuit since April 2016. The transition from permissive to mandatory electronic filing will benefit everyone involved in several ways. Electronic filing saves time and reduces cost for the courts, which ultimately benefits the taxpayers who support the courts. Electronic documents are easier than paper documents for the general public, attorneys and judges to access. Additionally, storing documents in an electronic format saves physical space compared to storing paper files, which is a major concern for every court in the state.
The PeachCourt eFiling platform is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at with live support provided between 8 am and 6 pm, Monday through Friday. Both attorneys and non-attorneys may register for a PeachCourt account at no cost. Any PeachCourt user can search for and view civil case dockets at no cost.
For more information about Peachcourt and electronic filing in Georgia’s trial courts, please visit their website at