Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. Newly identified in humans toward the end of 2019, COVID-19 has spread with cases in the United States. The spread of any illness is reason for concern and the outbreak of COVID-19 has been a stressful time for communities around the world. The best defense you have is to equip yourself with information to make informed choices, prevent spread, seek proper treatment as needed, and continue to share quality information with others. Below you will find information on the total confirmed COVID-19 cases (tested positive), hospitalizations, and deaths attributed to COVID-19. These data are based on available information as of June 21, 2020 –. Source: Georgia Department of Public Health, Cobb & Douglas Board of Health, State Electronic Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (SENDSS).
Total Confirmed Cases Total Deceased
USA 2,291,700 119,985
Georgia 63,809 2,642
Cobb County 3,903 231
East Cobb-30062 222 11
East Cobb – 30066 162 8
East Cobb – 30067 220 7
East Cobb – 30068 122 16
East Cobb – 30075 17 0