Have you been diagnosed with breast cancer? If you feel the need to connect with others and share how you’re coping with your breast cancer diagnosis and treatments, an East Cobb mom (who was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer) is starting a “Cobb Pink Ribbon Club” to provide support, understanding, humor, tips, comfort and practical advice in a way that only others sharing a similar experiences can. Here is more info on the “Cobb Pink Ribbon Club:”

Who: Local women recently diagnosed with breast cancer who are facing or recovering from surgery, currently undergoing treatment, or have finished in the past year are encouraged to participate. Currently this group is not affiliated with any official organizations or institutions, but who knows . . .

Where: Private home in East Cobb, Thursdays 7:30-9:00pm

When: Beginning Thursday, January 19 (ongoing)

Why/Goals of the Group:

  • Create a safe, private, judgment free space to be open and truthful about our real/secret feelings and concerns where they can be honestly expressed such as: worry, fear, isolation, loneliness, shock, guilt about letting other people down (not being able to take care of family, social and work responsibilities, home care) financial pressures from medical bills or not being able to work.
  • Give women the opportunity to gain understanding, empathy and strength from others experiencing the same struggles in a way friends and family are simply not equipped to.
  • Connect with people who will listen without trying to solve your problems or unconsciously minimize your reality.
  • Act as a resource for relevant, practical advice on timely topics not easily found and often not thought of such as: community assistance agencies, exercise classes geared to breast cancer patients, tips about what kind of bra to wear after surgery and where to find them, what kind of ice packs actually help, what kind of recovery and pain to expect after the biopsy and surgery versus what the doctors and hospital personnel say, etc…
  • Create a network or team of women to call on for encouragement or a joke, to navigate this season of our lives and ease the stress and burden of this disease.

If you are interested, please Email CobbPRC@gmail.com or call/text: 770-875-6459.