All Cobb residents age 55+ are invited to participate in activities at various senior centers throughout Cobb. The following is a list of activities scheduled at the East Cobb Senior Center located at 3332 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta 30066. Cobb seniors who wish to register for any of these activities or use one of the county’s six senior centers will have to pay a $60 annual membership fee. Call the East Cobb Senior Center at 770-509-4900 for reservations and/or more details.
Hearing Screenings
Friday, March 2
Free/No registration required
Is your hearing causing you concern? Take the time to have it checked out and get a free screening from Dr. Bret Greenblatt.
Funeral Home 101
Tuesday, March 6
Free/Registration required
Planning ahead is always good. Join our seminar with Mayes Ward Dobbins to help ease your family’s emotional burden, avoid difficult decisions at a stressful time, what happens after the funeral and what documents will you need.
Value of Things
Friday, March 9
Free/Registration required
Valuable items can mean so much for you for a number of reasons-monetary value, sentimental value, and so on. Join Caring Transitions to learn more.
Book Discussion on the Mitford Series
Tuesdays, March 13-April 3
Free/Registration required
Join us for a book discussion about the first Jan Karon “Mitford” series book, At Home in Mitford. “It’s easy to feel at home in Mitford. In these high, green hills, the air is pure, the village is charming, and the people are generally lovable. The novel features a character, an Episcopal priest named Father Tim and many other endearing residents of this small town.” (from ISBN) Facilitator Julienne Marks is a retired librarian, teacher, and author who has enjoyed the Mitford series so much that she wants to share these warm, loving, thought provoking books with others.
Wednesday, March 14
Separate checks for lunch; Registration required.
Everyone meets at the restaurant. Cazadores Mexican Restaurant 2731 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta
Cooking Demo
Friday, March 16
Free/Registration required
Have a burning nutrition question? Bring your questions and come for an interactive cooking demo with WellCare Health Plans, Inc. The healthy eating presentation focuses on the benefits of incorporating more fruits and vegetables into one’s diet.
How to Reduce Knee Pain
Wednesday, March 21
Free/Registration required
Many of us will experience knee pain at some point in our lives. Learn the anatomy and biomechanics of the knee, understand common injuries that can lead to pain and knee replacement, and how to treat your knee pain. We’ll learn ways to reduce stresses on the knee joint without reducing activity. Presented by First Step Physical Therapy.
AARP Smart Driver
Thursday, March 22
$15.00 AARP members/$20.00 Non-members (cash or check only)
Check with your insurance agent about a possible discount. Bring a lunch.