All Cobb residents age 55+ are invited to participate in activities at various senior centers throughout Cobb. The following is a list of activities scheduled at the East Cobb Senior Center located at 3332 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta 30066. Call the East Cobb Senior Center at 770-509-4900 for reservations and/or more details.
May 12
Hearing Screening. Friday, May 12 | 9:00am-12:00pm Free/No registration required. First come, first served basis. Is your hearing causing you concern? Take the time to have it checked out and get a free screening from Dr. Bret Greenblatt.
Singing in the Rain at Symphony Hall. Saturday, June 10; Deadline: May 12, 4:30pm-11pm. (Check-in 4:00p.m.) Come see Singing in the Rain on the big screen with Atlanta Symphony Orchestra playing the soundtrack of the timeless movie musical. This is an experience not to be missed. Dinner before the show at Gordon Biersch. Price includes motor coach, tickets, dinner and driver’s tip. No refunds will be given unless the trip is cancelled. Activity Level 1.
May 15
Accessorize with Talbots. Monday, May 15. 10:00am-12:00pm, Check-in 9:15am; Shuttle departure 9:15 limited seating. Free/Registration required. Can you tie a scarf? Do you know what style earrings are perfect for your facial structure? Do you know what clothes look best on your body type? Join us at Talbot’s at The Avenue East Cobb for a morning of accessorizing and light snacks.
May 16
Chicken Soup for the Soul. Tuesday, May 16. 12:00pm-2:00pm. $6 Cobb residents; $7 Non-residents. Shuttle to Northeast Cobb YMCA for chicken soup, laughter yoga, sounds of the Good Times Band and the inspirational stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Fundraiser with proceeds to benefit East Cobb Senior Center.
May 22
Dine-a-Round. Monday, May 22. 11:00am. It’s Greek to Us. 1355 Church Street Ext NW. Separate checks; Registration required. Everyone meets at the restaurant.
May 25
AARP Smart Driver. May 25 | 9:00am-4:00pm. $15 AARP members, $20.00 Non-members (cash or check). Check with your insurance agent about a possible discount. Bring a lunch.