All Cobb residents age 55+ are invited to participate in activities at various senior centers throughout Cobb. The following is a list of activities scheduled at the East Cobb Senior Center located at 3332 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta 30066. Cobb seniors who wish to register for any of these activities or use one of the county’s six senior centers will have to pay a $60 annual membership fee. Call the East Cobb Senior Center at 770-509-4900 for reservations and/or more details.
Stroke 101 (#11225)
Tuesday, October 8 ● 10-11:30am
Free; Registration required.
Dr. Roel will discuss how to recognize a stroke and different options for treating it.
Dine-A-Round (#11226)
Wednesday, October 9 ● 11:30am-1:30pm
Separate Checks; Registration required.
Meet at Doucer de France, 277 South Marietta Parkway SW, Marietta, 30064.
Top 5 Injuries: Prevention and Treatment (#11227)
Thursday, October 10 ● 10-11:30am
Free; Registration required.
Explore the leading causes of injury, identify the risk factors and learn the ways to prevent them.
Foundations of Investing (#11228)
Friday, October 11 ● 10-11:30am
Free; Registration required.
Rules for investing – develop a strategy, choose quality investments, diversify portfolio, invest for the long term and focus on what you can control.
History Corner: Salem Witch Trials (#11229)
Tuesday, October 15 ● 1-2pm
Free; Registration required.
The Salem Witch Trials occurred in Colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft and 20 were executed. Eventually, the colony admitted the trials were a mistake and compensated the families of those convicted.
Domestic Abuse 101 (#11260)
Thursday, October 17 ● 11am-12pm
Free; Registration required.
Carolyn Davenport is a motivational speaker advocating for people suffering from domestic abuse. Being a victim herself, she works to shed light on these relationships, remove the stigma about them and try to help those involved find a safe way you.
AARP Smart Driver (#6836)
Thursday, October 24 ● 9am-4pm
$15.00 AARP members/$20.00 Non-members (cash or check only).
Check with your insurance agent about a possible discount. Bring a lunch.
Ask the Expert/Medicare Questions (#8093)
Friday, October 25 ● 10am-12pm
Free; Registration required.
Whether you are turning 65, are already on Medicare, or helping someone with their coverage, plan to attend a meeting with the expert, to get your Medicare questions answered. Call the center to schedule your 15-minute appointment.
Foxtrotter’s Dance
Friday, October 25 ● 6-9pm
No Registration required.
Call the East Cobb Senior Center for more details.
Halloween Scary Movie (#11230)
Tuesday, October 31 ● 1-4pm
Free; Registration required.
Call the East Cobb Senior Center for more details.