All Cobb residents age 55+ are invited to participate in activities at various senior centers throughout Cobb County. The following is a list of activities scheduled at the East Cobb Senior Center located at 3332 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta 30066. Call the East Cobb Senior Center at 770-509-4900 for reservations and/or more details.
Adult Coloring
August 3, 10 & 17 | 10-11am
$6 Cobb residents; $8 Non-residents; Plus $8 supply fee
Join the latest craze in stress relief, fun and creativity. Get in touch with your inner child. Have fun creating in color and coloring not as you did as a kid, but now as an adult. Each participant will receive a coloring book and a pack of colored pencils and eraser.
Free Hearing Screening
August 5 | 9am-12pm
Free; No registration required. On first come-first served basis.
Is your hearing causing you concern? Take the time to have it checked out and get a free screening from Dr. Bret Greenblatt of WellStar.
East Cobb Senior Center’s 21st Anniversary: Changes in Attitudes, Changes in Latitudes
August 5 | 11am-2pm, Doors open at 10:45am
$12 Cobb residents; $15 Non-residents. Limit 4 tickets per person
Whether you are a Parrott Head or not, come dressed in Bermuda shorts, beach cover-ups, flip flops, parrot hats, Hawaiian shirts, or grass skirts. Kick back to the sounds of Jeff Kershner’s steel pan, “Latitude Adjustment”, followed by a tropical lunch, and then dance the afternoon away with DJ Greg Picciano playing beach music and Jimmy Buffett songs.
Bee Basics and Benefits of the Hive
August 12 | 10:30-11:30am
Free; Registration required
Discuss some of the fascinating behaviors, facts, and importance of the honey bee. Part of this discussion will also touch on some of the threats that challenge the honeybee in North America. Join Larry Lucas with Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association to learn more of the benefits of honey and other products produced by the hive.
Dine-a-Round: Movie Tavern
August 24 | 11:30am-3pm
$7.65 due at registration; lunch is on your own. Cash only; Registration required
Movie: Florence Foster Jenkins. Movie Tavern, 4651 Woodstock Road, Roswell. Time, date & movie subject to change. Call the center for more details.
AARP Smart Driver Safety Course
August 25 | 9am-4pm
$15 AARP members, $20 Non-members (cash or check)
The AARP Smart Driver course is a refresher course specifically designed for drivers age 50 and older. Drivers may benefit from a discount on their auto insurance upon completing the course. Refresh your driving skills and your knowledge of the rules — and hazards — of the road. Bring a lunch.
Magic of Monarch Butterflies
August 30 | 10-11am
Free; Registration required
A journey into the life cycle of monarch butterflies. Presented by Mike Kahl with the Watershed Stewardship program— Cobb County Water System.