The EAST COBBER sent our freelance writer Kayleigh Arneson to ask locals what goals they wanted to set for themselves to make 2020 their best year yet.
“I want to stop working for the sake of working and start working for the sake of improving.”
– Jonathan Brown
Director of Sales, 43
“I want to be able to slow down, take more care of myself, and travel more often.”
– Isma Sarwar
Technical Designer, 29
“I would like to read more books in 2020.”
– Dan O’Shaughnessy
Ad Operations Directory, 49
“I want to be a kinder and gentler person.”
– Sandra Rosenberger
Retired, 75
“I want to learn how to bake.”
-Alyssa Tan
Software Developer, 22
“I read about 10 books this year, and I’d like to be around 25 books next year.”
– Mickey Mellen
Business Owner, 43
“I want to be able to stick to my resolutions!”
– Judy Newsome
Retired, 79
“I want to enjoy life more this year.”
-David Newsome
Retired, 78
“I want to give up drinking soda.”
-Cody Arnold
Full-time Student, 22
Time just seems to fly by when you have 3 kids and a full-time job while also trying to balance some sort of ‘we’ time with your spouse and ‘me’ time to stay sane. In 2020, I want to be better at embracing the craziness for what it is; having more patience with the kids; and giving myself more grace when the balancing act of life is not quite as balanced as I’d like.”
– Trish Mueller
Policy Lead, Centers for
Disease Control and
Prevention, 42
“I want to judge less, listen more, and eat healthier!”
– Laura Wheeler
Economist, 56
P.S. For all of you planners, this issue of the EAST COBBER also includes our Early Bird Summer Day Camp Guide (pages 40-45) which features local day camps to help you ensure your children have an enriching summer!