#IamJewishATL is a collaborative market research effort on behalf of Jewish organizations within Metro Atlanta – including synagogues, schools and agencies large and small – to understand what YOU are seeking Jewishly in Atlanta. Your feedback will generate offerings that better serve your needs and wants.
This is your chance to express what you think “Jewish Atlanta” should look like, whatever that means to you. Your opinions matter, so make your voice heard! For your time, you’ll be entered for a chance to win a $500 Visa gift card grand prize or one of two $250 Visa gift cards.
If you are Jewish or live in a Jewish household, age 15 or older, and live anywhere in Metro Atlanta, they want to hear from you! Encourage all generations of your family to take the survey, too. You can take the survey by visiting www.iamjewishatl.com, or texting JEWISHATL to 41411 to have the link sent to your phone.