It is officially summertime in Cobb County, but some Lassiter students may still be thinking about spring. That’s  because on May 5th the Lassiter Boys Soccer team  made history by winning back-to-back state champion ships. Junior Tyler Aromin scored the final goal in over time, handing Lassiter a 3-2 victory over River Ridge and  the state title for GHSA Soccer in the 6A division. Lassiter  Boys Soccer had only won a state title in 1996, making  this the first time that boys soccer won the state title two  years in a row for Lassiter High School in 2022 and 2023.  

Lassiter Boys soccer is now ranked number four in the  nation and number one in Georgia for 6A soccer.  

The team could not execute these wins without  guidance from their head coach: Coach Penny. Penny  expressed that he was extremely proud of his boys, espe cially for their total of “107 days of soccer from tryouts to  the state championship.” When asked about this expe rience from a coach’s perspective, Penny said, “It is an  amazing feeling to be a part of something so special not  only once, but back-to-back years.”  

Throughout the season, the Lassiter Soccer players  had to fight for this state title, with nearly every game  going into overtime. Cole Higgins, a senior on the Lassiter  Soccer team, credits his coach for the team’s ability  to clinch this major victory. He explains, “Coach Penny  instilled in us all season that we have to battle no matter the score line. This mindset throughout the team gave us  the motivation to get the job done.”  

This mindset gave Higgins something to always  remember: “Holding another trophy this year was person ally one of the happiest moments of my life and knowing  that my last ever high school game was a win is some thing I will cherish forever.”  

Lassiter’s historic soccer season will be remembered  among its players for many reasons. From the pressure of  the playoffs to the incredibly loyal student section that  supported them all the way through. Drew Campbell, a  senior on the Lassiter Soccer team, explains the nerves  from the expectation to win state again; He felt more  content than last time, but, “the pressure in the week  before the game was much more than last year.”  

However, Campbell says the stress of the pressure  was all worth it because of the encouragement from the  student section. “The feeling of accomplishment as we  saw all our friends and family come onto the field as we  won was amazing,” says Campbell.  

 Another senior on Lassiter’s soccer team, Nathan  Jordan, also enjoyed the student section. He tells his  favorite memory as “hearing the final buzzer sound and  running over to our student section and celebrating with  all of them.” The roar of the crowd after this win gave the  team a sense of community that they will never forget.  

Article written by Samantha Whitley