This month’s front cover features the owners of CrossFit East Cobb: Chris Sims and Jason Sobczak. CrossFit East Cobb is a dedicated CrossFit facility that emphasizes constantly varied, high intensity, functional training. CrossFit East Cobb has trained everyone from kids to busy parents, collegiate athletes and elite military personnel.

“The journey to ideal health and fitness is more enjoyable with the workouts, trainers, and fast friends at CrossFit East Cobb,” says co-owner Chris Sims. “Our fitness programs and staff encourage a unique camaraderie. You’re not really competing with your fellow CrossFitters as much as competing against yourself; and everyone in the room wants you to win!”

If you want to learn more about how CrossFit East Cobb can not only transform your body but also transform your life, turn to page 6 of our March issue to read their story. For more information, visit Schedule your first training session, by calling Coach Espo at 404-312-8694. Front cover photograph taken by Michael Drewitz of Michael’s Photography.

Reprinted from EAST COBBER’s March 2016 issue