Summer is here! And so is the sun. Beach trips, outdoor sports, concerts and boating on the lake all put us at risk of too much sun exposure. Keep in mind your upcoming skin check.
Don’t have one planned yet? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Tiffany Clay at Dermatology Affiliates to assess your risk of skin cancer and learn how to protect your skin. Dr. Clay recommends having a full body skin cancer exam for both peace of mind as well as a baseline of your skin. During the exam she will evaluate your moles and other skin lesions as well as assess your general skin health.
“Skin cancer is one of the fastest growing cancers. Often times patients are surprised to learn that 1 in 5 Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. I look forward to building a relationship with my patients to partner with them through the years to address skin concerns and help them maintain skin health.”
In addition to general and surgical dermatology, Dr. Clay has a passion for helping her patients look and feel their best. “There are so many treatments and options available to patients. I enjoy tailoring a custom plan for my patients that fits their specific needs and budget. At Dermatology Affiliates we have a selection of high quality skin care products and procedures such as Botox, fillers and lasers treatments. Using these tools and working with our aestheticians I am able to help patients achieve their goals.”
“My favorite skin tip is to make sure that not only in the summer but all year round everyone knows the most important thing we can do to protect our skin is use SPF30 or higher sunscreen every day. So be sun safe!” Dr. Clay looks forward to seeing you and helping you keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
Dermatology Affiliates, East Cobb Office, 4939 Lower Roswell Road, Suite 104, Marietta, GA 30068. 404-816-7900.
This article originally appeared in the June/July issue of the EAST COBBER magazine, on page 42. Click HERE to access the digital edition.