Question: Why are you excited about joining this school community?
Answer: “I am excited to join this school community because I have heard such wonderful things about it. It is a great community of supportive parents, wonderful students, great teachers, and it is always exciting to be a part of that.”
Question: What does student success look like for you?
Answer: “Student success is when you talk about students who have learned all the standards; not only have they learned them, but they’re able to implement them and use them. Also, when we talk about student success, I think about the whole child. The whole child meaning that the child is emotionally healthy, that they are academically fulfilled, that rigor is provided where they need it, and that they are able to—in the end of their Cobb County education—be successful, whether it be on a career track or in college.”
Question: What’s your favorite memory as an educator?
Answer: “I think my favorite memory is having received an invitation to the graduation of a child who graduated from Georgia Tech with a double doctorate [degree]. It was a child that I had taught multiple years and had kept in touch with. It was just exciting to be a part of a child who was so successful and who really felt like I had made an impact on their future.”
Question: Outside of school, where might students, parents or staff members run into you?
Answer: “Outside of school, you will probably find me with my family. I have two daughters and a husband that I enjoy spending time with plus an extended family of in-laws, my parents, nieces, and nephews. We’re a big Italian family who loves to cook and spend time together.”
Question: When did you first know that you wanted to be an educator?
Answer: “I think I knew in college. I tried some different avenues of education, and they weren’t for me. One summer, I decided to work at a preschool, and I knew then that it was definitely what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”
Reprinted from Cobb County School District website.