Atlanta is a tennis city that is warming up to Pickleball. Most folks who play Pickleball in Georgia can be found in the Atlanta suburbs. So, it’s official – the Pickleball craze has reached East Cobb. You’re probably wondering, what is Pickleball? Pickleball is a sport that’s a combination of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, all rolled up in one and designed to be played by all ages. Growing in popularity, the sport was invented in the backyard of Joel Pritchard, a congressman from the state of Washington. Even though today may be the first time you are hearing about this sport, it was actually invented in 1965. The game was played by Pritchard’s entire family (young and old) and was named after their family dog, Pickles. Now, more than 40 years later, Pickleball has grown and developed from a backyard family activity to a sport with formalized rules and leagues. Pickleball is being played in thousands of school physical education programs, parks and recreation centers, camps, and retirement communities. Those that play say it’s a great workout, very social and a friendly competitive game. It is also a great way to exercise while spending time with friends and family. Grandparents can play it with their grandchildren.
Cathy Anderson, a volunteer ambassador for Pickleball, says, “The bottom line is that Pickleball is an enjoyable sport for almost anyone, anywhere. We just want to encourage people to get healthy and get moving, and it’s so much fun. Beginners are always welcome. The equipment is here; just show up, and we’ll teach you.”
Come and play Pickleball in Cobb County! East and West Cobb County has about 12 different venues with over 400 people playing this wonderful fast-growing sport in the country. All ages are playing and have found it to be a great source of exercise plus the benefits of a great social environment. It all started about 5 years ago in Cobb County with just a few and now has grown by leaps and bounds. If you go to and click “Places2Play”, enter your desired zip code and you will find a location that hosts Pickleball games, the schedule, and contact person to get in touch with. Pickleball is fun for all ages, and levels. So why not pick up that paddle, have some fun, and give it a try today!!
For further information, contact the East Cobb ambassador, Cathy Anderson at:
This article originally appeared in the May issue of the EAST COBBER magazine, on page 44. Click here to view the digital edition.