Publishers Note, from the November 2016 issue of the East Cobber:
Much has been written about the first Thanksgiving regarding the brave band of people who landed in Plymouth to start a new, better world for themselves, their families and for future generations.
Well, this month, like every edition, the EAST COBBER features a brave band of people (a/k/a pilgrims) who landed in East Cobb and who are making a better life for others right here, right now. In this edition, you can read about the East Cobb natives that are creating travel programs to help heroin addicts (page 8), leaders from different faiths coming together for a special ecumenical celebration (page 46), and P.K. Beville who created a nonprofit to celebrate senior citizens (page 62) — to name just a few East Cobb “pilgrims.”
All of the East Cobbers spotlighted in this issue are modern-day pilgrims. Many, if not most have been transplanted to the area and are determined to help build a better world right here in East Cobb. Sharing their stories is my way to give thanks for their earnest efforts to better our East Cobb community.
I hope you will consider the EAST COBBER your Thanksgiving table. This publication unearths the riches of East Cobb County and shares the harvest of stories with you. Every month we hope you’ll sit down with an EAST COBBER and feast on the information and ideas contained in this publication, take time to appreciate the many blessings bestowed on East Cobb and share your good times with your neighbors, family, and friends. Remember, you are always welcome to “break bread” with us year-round.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Cynthia Rozzo
P.S. SIT! STAY! Go to pages 20 – 29 to read up on the latest local info for pet lovers and be sure to enjoy the photos of our readers’ pets.