In a world where powerful females lead the charge, inspiring examples abound, from political candidates to journalists, CEOs, bank presidents, and teachers, each working tirelessly to make the world a better place for everyone. Yet, for many of us, Mom was our first and most enduring inspiring female role model. Our mothers are the foundation of our lives—shaping, inspiring,  and loving us unconditionally. 

I have been profoundly shaped, inspired, and  loved unconditionally by my mother and nine  grandmothers. For most of my life, I have always  found myself somewhere in the line of five  generations. These powerful women not only raised  families but did so while holding at least one, if not  more, of those titles mentioned. 

As we approach Mother’s Day on the 12th of  this year, I reminisce about spending a Mother’s  Day two years ago in Labor & Delivery with my  daughter, beginning her journey as a mother. This  past fall, she added to our line of women by having  a daughter. Watching her balance her role as  a mother, career, and family has been the most  impressive and humbling gift. 

At the EAST COBBER, I am surrounded by a team  of powerful females. In addition to caring for their  families, these women nurture our community while  utilizing their professional skills to help publish the  EAST COBBER, manage social media, organize  special events, and much more. 

Our community is also shaped, inspired, and loved  unconditionally by our mom friends and neighbors.  Happy Mother’s Day to all of you powerful females.  Your strength, dedication, and love make the world  a better place for us all.