Meet Danialle Vesser. Danialle is 49 years old and lives in Marietta (East Cobb). She and her husband have been married for 28 years and have three grown young men, one daughter-in-love, and her first grandbaby. 

How did you come to find Sparkle Wellness?  

A little more than a year ago, I had a very difficult surgery, which required a lengthy recovery time. I was weak and not as energetic as I had felt prior to surgery. It was a terrible feeling of uncertainty, having to regain my health.  

I kept running into a friend, Angela Searcy, who was shrinking each time I saw her. I was intrigued and asked her what in the world she was doing. She introduced me to Sparkle.  

So, in January 2022 I called Jacynta, founder of Sparkle, to ask her what Sparkle was and how to join. She gave me the information to get started and I WAS ALL IN. I figured I was going to do the work and see  what happened. I was shocked and surprised by how  well Sparkle works.  

What was your lifestyle change?  

I thought I had a pretty healthy diet; I didn’t. My  diet has changed substantially as I have learned about  nutrition and fueling my body with truly healthy food. I  can still eat whatever I want but through tracking, I have  been able to make connections between what helps me  and what makes me feel poorly. I limit bread and sugar  mostly and have added lots of great protein and fresh  veggies. Per the advice from Sparkle, I started strength  training in addition to walking. It has been a lot of fun to  accomplish something that used to intimidate me.  

What is your Step by Steps? 

  1. Be all in. I began with prayer. After that, I followed  through with the decision jumping in with both feet. I  attended meetings, tracked, and I asked my personal  ambassador questions.  
  2. Keep going. Don’t quit. This is not just losing weight and  it will magically stay off. I have accepted that to keep it  off, I will always have to be mindful and work at it.  
  3. Work out. I have always been an active walker but  often would get back pain. I didn’t feel strong. I  learned the importance of strength training. I was chal lenged to start off twice a week but I liked the chal lenge. I was encouraged to add one more a week. I  started seeing myself become stronger and my results  became more noticeable. Sparkle was the biggest  help, and workouts added to that success.  

What were your challenges? 

My biggest challenge was trying to keep track of all  the new information. I wanted to learn Sparkle and all  the new healthy habits. I just kept going and asking my  Ambassador and my new friends questions. Everyone  was so helpful.  

My second biggest challenge was realizing that this  is how we are supposed to eat; good, healthy food, and  that this would need to be my new lifestyle. Yes, I still  indulge in things; I just don’t do it every time I think about it.  I am more intentional in my choices. It is more planned out.  

Top 3 tips 

  1. If you’re on the fence, jump in. I only regret that I did  not start sooner.  
  2. Do the work. Yes, it’s hard to learn new things, but it is  worth it. The benefits have been life-changing! 
  3. Don’t quit, and don’t give up on yourself!  

My life has changed. I feel better, I feel stronger, and  I have more energy. I enjoy strength training now (who  would have thought!). I am learning so much about good  health and nutrition. My family is benefiting from it as well.  My husband has been so supportive and patiently accept ed all the changes I made to our meals, even when they  came at him quickly. He has lost 20 lbs. from our new meal  plans. That is a huge benefit! 

If you would like more information on Sparkle  Wellness, visit the website