In 2016, Cindy Taylor weighed 178 pounds. Sparkle Wellness changed her life in 2017, and now she weighs  141 . Cindy and her husband live in Roswell and have one daughter. Let’s hear her story: 

I am a professional organizer installing closet systems, improving pantries, garages, and more. I also work for Home Sweet Home, a relocation company, leading the Atlanta team for Quickstart Unpacks. 

In 2012, I attended Weight Watchers, lost weight, and was at goal. Jacynta Harb left to start Sparkle Wellness. Since I had reached my goal, I thought I could succeed alone. I stopped attending since no other leaders had Jacynta’s motivation. In 2016, I saw an unflattering photo of me zip-lining. After receiving Sparkle emails, I decided to do something. I have been with Sparkle for 7 years, and my journey has evolved. I went ‘next level’ to lose my weight. I eliminated processed food, cooked my own meals so I knew exactly what I was eating, and have tracked my food on MyFitnessPal for 2600 days. All the tools Sparkle provided  helped me: listening to healthy podcasts, reading books,  exercising consistently, and creating a better mindset.  The book FOOD, What the Heck Should I Eat? by Dr.  Mark Hyman could not have come at a better time. He  explains how real food is medicine and uncovers myths  about the food industry. Eating real food, cooked at  home, was the key to my success. I was determined to  make these new habits a lifestyle and not just a diet. 

As I embarked on my weight loss journey, my mom  struggled with dementia. I researched dementia and  realized I was genetically destined for the same path.  I influence my health through diet, exercise, and stress  management. I eliminated dairy, grains, sugar, seed oils,  and gluten. I feel better eating real food and reading  ingredient labels, instead of trusting the marketing of  so-called “healthy” food. I eat more from the earth and  less from a box. 

I am intentional about all that goes in and on my  body. I eliminated toxins from various aspects of my life  including cosmetics, cleaning products, laundry soap,  hand soaps, lotions, and shampoo. I transitioned to prod ucts free from endocrine disruptors, phthalates, and chlo rine. To ensure water purity, I installed a house water soft ener/purifier and a reverse osmosis filter. I am creating  a healthier environment, reducing exposure to harmful  substances, and promoting overall well-being. 

I don’t exercise for physical appearance or the  desire to eat. I use it to gain strength and build muscles,  excel in my job, and ensure functionality as I age. By  prioritizing strength training, I reduce the risk of falls and  lead an active, independent lifestyle as I age. I use an  infrared Sauna to foster healing and vitality. Recently,  I cut back my workout routine to heal my adrenal and  cortisol levels, reducing stress on my body. 

Being part of the supportive Sparkle community  has taught me it is not just about weight loss. It also has  spiritual, emotional, relational, and mental aspects. As  a Sparkle Ambassador, I am passionate about promot ing wellness. I take pride in teaching cooking classes,  going beyond traditional recipes. I love inspiring others  to embrace a wholesome lifestyle by cooking delicious,  nourishing meals. I teach healthy tips and tricks aimed at  making nutritious eating both enjoyable and accessible.  The Marietta Square Farmer’s Market is my happy place  for locally-grown produce, herbs, and spices. The con nection with local farmers is a celebration of community,  sustainability, and the joy of nourishing my body with  wholesome, locally-sourced goodness. 

For more information, visit www.sparkleanewyou. comm or call 404-242-5062..  

Written by Ginger Markert-Brusa