Do you want your child to start the next school year with confidence and motivated to learn? Are you worried about the impact of the long break from classroom instruction experienced by your child this school year due to COVID-19? East Cobb’s Huntington Learning Center offers a summer tutoring series designed to not only eliminate the summer slide but also help children move to the next academic level. Huntington is a local leader in tutoring and test preparation and has faithfully served the East Cobb community for more than 25 years. Lives of more than 2,000 students have been changed by Huntington, from kindergarten through the 12th grade.
Summer can be a critical transitional time for kids, especially as they enter middle school or high school. “We want your child to start the new school year feeling like they can conquer anything,” shares Frank Fabregas, franchise owner. “We want them to feel like superheroes.”
The summer slide is a real thing and no year will this be more evident than our current situation. A recent study by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) presented alarming statistics with regard to our children. NWEA suggested the students who return to school in the fall without the continuity of instruction during the COVID closures will retain only about 70% of their reading progress, and stand to lose anywhere from half to all of their academic growth in math from the previous year.
For elementary, middle and high school students, the certified educators at Huntington provide each child a personalized academic assessment in all subject areas. This assessment will identify strengths and weaknesses so the child starts in the right place. The Huntington educators will then design a curriculum specifically for that student. Parents may be concerned about math grades, but the assessment might show that the child needs support with reading comprehension as well, which could have gone under the radar and unnoticed.
“I didn’t know how to help my daughter, but I know she wasn’t finishing her work at school,” shares East Cobb mom Perla. “I took her to Huntington Learning Center for an assessment, which showed she was struggling with reading comprehension, and it was impacting her in all subjects. After a short time at Huntington, her school work improved tremendously, and her confidence increased. I’ve also seen this program benefit my middle school son and the high school students that I tutor in Spanish. Some of them are missing basic skills that can impact their overall educational success. Huntington helps build that foundation for learning.”
“Summer is the perfect time for kids to learn. They don’t have to worry about homework or grades, so they are free to explore and learn at a faster pace,” says Frank.
Frank and Montse Fabregas met in New York 25 years ago while both were enrolled in a program at Columbia University. They raised their children in Barcelona and then chose to move back to the United States for the educational experience. They have one son who graduated from the University of Barcelona and another who just graduated from Lassiter High School and will attend the University of Georgia this fall. They chose 15 years ago, to make East Cobb their home because of our both the high ranked schools and the culture of how parents make education a priority.
Huntington can work with young learners from kindergarten to second grade, many who struggle with phonics and reading. Huntington can also work with older children, who may lack math, reading, writing, or study skills. They will work with the students intensively to improve their skills, track grades, and assignments from school and help them with weekly study plans based on what’s a priority. They partner with parents and schools, so everyone works together on behalf of the student.
“Struggling in school can impact a child’s self-esteem, and we nurture and support each child, in addition to teaching them the subject matter,” says Frank.
For high school students, Huntington tutors in math, reading, study skills and other topics. However, they also can provide measurable improvement with standardized tests like the ACT and SAT. East Cobb mom Malin shares how the experience helped her son: “My son wanted to raise his ACT scores to open more college and scholarship opportunities. After studying and preparing at the Huntington Learning Center, he was able to raise his ACT score by six points.”
Frank recommends that students take the ACT or SAT early in their junior year, therefore they should prepare for the tests in their sophomore year and the summer prior to their junior year.
Frank shared they now have the ability to tutor online 1-on-1, as well as tutor in-person as long as they follow strict guidelines as set down by the CDC. Right now, Huntington in East Cobb utilizes plastic barriers to work with students in close proximity. Huntington provides masks for students and tutors, and requires all individuals inside the building to have their temperature checked prior to entry. Parents must drop off the student and pick up outside. Safety is one of Huntington’s top priorities during this time.
Frank and Montse take pride in the family atmosphere at the center. “Our vision is to be the educational choice for local families who want support and academic success for their kids.”
If your student has experienced difficulty in math, reading, writing, study skills, or needs SAT or ACT prep contact Huntington Learning Center. They are conveniently located in the East Cobb Crossing shopping center, 4381 Roswell Road, Suite 240 in Marietta. Visit for more information or call 770-977-3112 for an appointment.