East Cobb‘s Highest Rated Personal Training Studio Turns 20
If the Warechowskis knew one thing about their future when they became part of Fitness Together East Cobb in 2002, they were committed to the health and well-being of each client who walked through the door. Now as franchise owners, Katie and Mike Warechowski celebrate 20 years of help ing East Cobbers achieve a healthier lifestyle.
No one can attest to an enterprise’s staying pow er like a satisfied client. Andy Robertson, who has been working out with Fitness Together trainers since 2007, describes the fitness center as a place with a fun atmosphere that simply feels like home.
“I came to Fitness Together about 15 years ago as a slightly overweight 40-something who needed to get in shape,” he says. “Katie wanted to know how committed I was as she explained the necessities of both exercise and diet. Obviously, pretty committed because I did not quit and have stuck with my train ing goals ever since. They do bust your butt here, but they are friendly and helpful while they do it.”
According to Katie, the 20-year milestone is significant because it demonstrates that Fitness Together provides clients with long-term support as they focus on staying healthy. “There is no one size fits all for any client,” explains Katie. “A customized program is developed specifically for each client as that person receives a one-on-one assessment of his or her current fitness level. Any limitations, injuries, or unique needs or goals are addressed. After that, personal trainers provide long-term support as fitness goals are met and then reevaluated for the next phase. Each client also gets nutritional counseling geared toward redefining what healthy eating means.”
In an industry where personnel can be ever-changing, the Warechowskis’ commitment
to the community speaks volumes. The two met while obtaining degrees in exercise and health science at Kennesaw State University. Mike was the first trainer hired at Fitness Together’s first East Cobb location, and Katie joined a year later. Then in 2007, the owner decided to sell the business, and the Warechowskis became the new owners with a target to become the best fitness center in East Cobb. As they expanded their business, they moved to the current location at 1000 Johnson Ferry Road, Building 400, Suite 412 (across the street from Johnson Ferry Baptist Church) in 2016. They now employ a studio manager and eight additional trainers.
Always striving for excellence, Fitness Together solidified its standing as a premiere East Cobb business when it was awarded the 2017 Franchisee of the Year by Wellbiz Brands, Inc., the leading franchise portfolio company for wellness, fitness, and beauty brands. Other recognized brands under the Wellbiz umbrella are Elements Massage, Drybar, Amazing Lash, and Radiant Waxing. Then in 2019, MFV Expositions, the world’s largest producers of franchise expos, awarded Fitness Together the Best Franchisee of the U.S.A. award, which is a part of the Best Franchisee of the World program. This program is a global initiative that highlights franchisees who have used franchising to positively change their lives and/or improve their communities.
According to Katie, as with most businesses, the recent pandemic affected Fitness Together. As challenging as it was, two changes have occurred from that time which have proven beneficial. The first change was the addition of virtual sessions to its training options.
“Before the pandemic, we had never given much thought to virtual training,” she says. “We had to quickly explore ways to keep our business going dur ing the lockdown, and virtual training was a natural fit. Most clients have returned for in-person work outs, but some now schedule virtual training sessions when they travel or have time constraints that pre vent them from coming in. Being able to offer online options has created a new level of flexibility.” The second change concerns clientele.
Although most Fitness Together clients are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, Katie says there has been an upswing in the mid-to-late 30s age group in the past year. Not quite sure what to specifi cally attribute this change to, she has observed a more focused mindset for all ages as clients place an even greater emphasis on healthier immune systems and general overall health as a result of the pandemic.
Fitness Together East Cobb offers 45-minute sessions for both individual and small group train ing. In private workout suites, personal trainers provide fitness through strength and cardio train ing. Monthly memberships are available, and cus tom and package rates are competitive. Hours are Monday-Friday, 6am-7:30pm and Saturday, 6am 1:30pm. For more information, check out www.fitnesstogether.com/eastcobb or call 770-321-1347. Be sure to ask about Fitness Together’s 20th year anniversary special:”20% more sessions at 20% off. (*special restrictions apply)