The Cobb 2020 Walk Cobb program is a part of the Walk Georgia program sponsored by the University of Georgia (UGA) Cooperative Extension. Walk Georgia is a free, online program that allows you to track your physical activity, while encouraging you to move more.
Walk Georgia is not just a walking program. There are currently 80 different activities to choose from. Participants’ track their weekly physical activities online through the Walk Georgia website and the recorded activities are translated into “walked” miles. As miles are accumulated, participants will be able to unlock fun facts and information about the counties as they navigate across the state’s virtual map and “walk” Georgia. The site also provides recipes, fitness tips, resources and events.
Participants can join at any time and can register as an individual or be part of a team or organization. At least once a year, a Walk Cobb challenge has been organized aimed at engaging community members to be more active.
For more information about this initiative, please call the Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention office at 770-432-7937
This article originally appeared in the May issue of the EAST COBBER magazine, on page 53. Click here to view the digital edition.