We do not know how long this Coronavirus crisis will persist, nor what the damage will be when all is said and done. These are unprecedented and unpredictable times, but we’re here for you. We understand the important role EAST COBBER plays in connecting with our community. This issue includes our annual summer Day Camp Guide (page 14-25) and a Voters Guide (pages 32-39). I am optimistically betting that we will be back to our normal lives soon enough. We also pulled together some short stories of how East Cobbers are coping with the COVID-19 crisis (page 26 + 27).

If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that East Cobbers can handle anything that’s thrown our way. As we enter this time of uncertainty, with a growing sense that our East Cobb “bubble”– as well as the rest of the world– is being put on pause, there’s no doubt in my mind that we’ll get through this together. We must take care of each other. We must listen to the experts, follow the best advice they can offer, and be prudent in our decisions.

East Cobb’s open-hearted, can-do spirit is what we celebrate every month here at the EAST COBBER and it’s something we’ll continue to do over the next few unprecedented weeks, or, quite possibly, months. We know many independent, small businesses we love will be hurting during this time, so we’ll keep championing them. Since we will be spending more time than usual in our homes, EAST COBBER will be utilizing its social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) to give you some fun things to do at home, from finding the most uplifting movies over streaming services to the local takeout and delivery services open to serve. If you have any ideas, please share them!

We’d also like to showcase your stories about ways that you or a local business has gone above and beyond to help everyone get through this trying time. Send your letters to cynthia@eastcobber.com. In a time when so many of us are facing tremendous stress, uncertainty and fear, the power of community can help pull us through. That’s what we hope to accomplish by sharing these stories.

Many thanks to those of you working tirelessly in healthcare and other essential fields, risking your health and lives to take care of the rest of us. A special shout out to the heroic efforts of our teachers adapting to online education! Publisher's Note 2And, of course, much gratitude to the people running the cash registers and stocking the shelves at the grocery stores and to all of the other everyday heroes this crisis will produce.

Most important of all be sure to stay healthy and stay home!

This was published in the April magazine on page 4. If you would like to read the full edition click here