Yesterday, roughly 60% of Cobb Schools’ elementary students returned to face-to-face learning after a nearly seven-month shutdown. The 67 elementary school buildings around the District were buzzing with activity as teachers, students, and parents participated in the exciting day.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and relying on public health guidance, schools across Cobb have been serving students remotely since August 18.

In September, the CCSD offered parents who had their children enrolled in Cobb County schools to submit their choice of face-to-face or continued remote learning. 

The EAST COBBER pulled the results of that survey for the public schools located in East Cobb County. As the chart below shows, the East Cobb elementary schools that had the highest percentage of students returning to face-to-face learning were: 

  • Garrison Mill (78.1%)
  • Mt. Bethel (77.1%)
  • Tritt (76%)
  • Davis (75.1)
  • Timber Ridge (71.1%)

Hightower Middle School (74.1%) and Mabry Middle School (71.8%) had the highest percentage of students returning to middle schools located in East Cobb. 

As for East Cobb high schools, Pope High School (70.6%) had the highest percentage of students returning to in-classroom learning. Lassiter was second highest with a 63.3% of parents choosing face-to-face to learning.